Life Delivers with Landport

Landport delivered goods

Although having things delivered – be it ready-to-go-meals or toothpaste – may seem like a relatively new phenomenon, the challenge of getting things to and from people and places quickly and efficiently has been around a long, long time. The ancient Greeks used runners to transport important messages, and the Pony Express delivered mail across the American West. Then there’s the iconic milkman – a ubiquitous presence through the 1940s, but sadly, made almost obsolete with the advent of widespread reliable refrigeration in the 1950s.


The universe of delivered goods and services continues to expand.

Delivered goods can seem quaint and nostalgic, something from a bygone time. (Sort of like the Wells Fargo Wagon from the Music Man, delivering much-anticipated parcels to the town folk of River City, Iowa.) Lately, however, delivery modes from another era are experiencing a resurgence, aided by apps and logistics that can be managed via 21st century technology. New companies that deliver continue to arrive on the scene and be embraced by people across the country.

Landport is excited about this trend, since we feel we can help close the loop in a safe and secure way. Here, we’re highlighting a few companies that have caught our attention, and for sake of discussion, loosely grouped them into two categories:

  • delivered services that make our lives easier
  • delivered goods that help us keep everyday household items in stock

Innovative companies that deliver services.

Landport food delivered goods

Pedal Power: A Portland, Oregon-based bicycle delivery service that delivers restaurant meals, products, and also offers promotional services (think peddled billboards.)

Farm to Fit: As per their web site, Farm to Fit offers “locally sourced, portion-controlled meals and delivers them to your home or workplace.” Busy people concerned with eating properly and managing their weight speak highly of this service (including our founder, Jody.)

Landport delivered goods and services

Local Roots: This Atlanta-based venture has developed an app that connects metropolitan area residents with organic farmers in their area that “displays farmers’ delivery schedules and inventories, enables consumers to place orders, and facilitates home delivery.”

Uber Delivery: Uber is best known for disrupting the taxi and shuttle industry by tapping into the power of crowdsourcing to make cab-type rides available through a special app. However, according to Tech Crunch, Uber is making inroads into the delivery space, and is “planning to launch a merchant delivery program that would allow online shoppers to get same-day delivery of goods through both UberRush couriers and Uber drivers.”

Landport delivered meals

Blue Apron: For those who don’t make it to the market, or who aren’t stocked up on ingredients, “meal kits” are gaining in popularity. Meal kit companies provide what you need to assemble a satisfying dish quickly and easily. Blue Apron is strong player in this space, and delivers pre-portioned, ready-to-cook meals kept fresh and cool in refrigerated boxes. The entrees are gaining popularity with busy professionals and families who don’t always have time to grocery shop or menu plan for every day of the week.

Companies that deliver everyday goods.

Landport delivered goods  amazon  pantry

Amazon Prime Pantry: Yes, Amazon Prime is great for ordering books and gadgets. And now there is Amazon Prime Pantry, so you can keep your kitchen (and bathroom!) well stocked. Never run out of pasta, peanut butter, or hand soap again!

Boxed: Boxed has been referred to as the online version of Costco for one-stop wholesale shopping. Imagine the convenience of stocking up on bulk items without dedicating an entire Saturday afternoon to the task.

Instacart: Instacart delivers groceries from a range of local markets in less than an hour. A “Personal Shopper” (yup, that’s what they’re really called) actually picks up and delivers your items to your door. According to their website, they’re even experts at picking produce!

Delivered goods save time and energy.

Landport delivered goods and services save time

Here’s a scenario worth visualizing: imagine scheduling an order for groceries online from your desktop computer or smart phone, then having them delivered directly to your Landport within the hour, allowing you to skip a time-consuming grocery store run at peak hours.

Besides convenience, there’s an energy-efficiency aspect to deliveries, too. Dare we say…it’s starting to seem oh-so-20th century for millions of us to get into our cars and drive to a mall, store, or market for items we know we’ll always need on a regular basis. Why not consolidate those trips into one efficient order that gets delivered in a timely manner?

And why not let Landport let you receive those deliveries in a safe and secure way?

Here at Landport, we embrace the home delivery revival. We heartily welcome the return of the milkman, and sincerely hope the spirit of the Wells Fargo Wagon continues to roll forward into the 21st century!