Emily Dickinson wrote “we turn not older with years but newer everyday”
This is how we like to think of our beloved Landport, getting better as the years go by.

Celebrating our parcel box’s birthday.
Landport was conceived of in 2012. We’re are reflecting on how far the company has come since a parcel containing an heirloom teacup disappeared off our founder’s porch. On Labor Day of 2013 Landport, the first functioning prototype was “born”. Since then, we are delighted to report Landport has a broad base of contented customers that depend on their Landports every day.
This secure box for parcels has been fine-tuned for eight years.
At Landport, we believe in continuous improvement. Over the past eight years, we have kept in touch with customers and listened when they spoke. We feel fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of early adopter type customers who share with us their real-life experiences. Their Landports have been ‘on guard for the avante garde’. Along with them we have been through floods, snowstorms, hurricanes, intense heat, sun and lots and lots of rain. We’ve enjoyed their ideas, suggestions, clever after-market add-ons and little kid stickers. We love to hear people’s stories.
We have spent innumerable hours addressing various situations detail after detail, fine-tuning our access-controlled parcel lock box. We believe that we have the most experience with access-controlled parcel lockboxes in the nation. We are a one-product company and as such, all of our attention is on the Landport and the experience of our customers.
We know from our customers that this spacious mailbox alternative can withstand all kinds of weather –and that Landport is equally at home in an apartment entry in New York City as it is on a rural road in Texas.
Share the code to keep delivered packages safe.
It’s fair to say that everyone who has packages delivered to their home or office wants them protected from theft. Landport helps make that happen – and the lock box code is an important aspect of our package safety system.
Our code-sharing methodology is straightforward: using the highly legible and ergonomic electronic keypad, a delivery person enters your unique access code to open Landport’s lid, then places the package inside. It locks automatically after closing.
Set your preferences for secure package delivery.
The delivery companies – including UPS, the USPS, FedEx and Amazon – all offer delivery preferences where you can readily share the code. You can also include the code on the second address line.
Plus, carriers are already comfortable with codes since they deliver to gated communities. You can also directly communicate the code to your delivery person.
Most carriers also have mobile apps that alert you when a package is delivered. Landport complements these delivery apps, helping take package security to the next level.
For another layer of security, Landport owners can easily add inexpensive, off-the-shelf technology such as sensors and cameras to their lockbox. When a driver drops off packages, these smart devices also send alerts, while Landport keeps the delivered items secure them until they are retrieved. Amazon now takes photos of their delivery and it’s oh-so-nice to see it in the Landport.
Landport is un-hackable.
Landport is one of the best use cases for Internet of Things technology. Off the shelf gizmos such as sensors and cameras work with Landport readily. There are lots of options whether wifi, Zigbee or Z-Wave. But the Landport locking mechanism is not hackable because there is no radio signal from the keypad. As IoT works out standards and security measures, we will have more offerings but for now, Landport is not hackable.
Landport offers personal customer support.
You can count on Landport to provide personal customer support. We will go the distance to make sure your Landport is functioning properly and that you are happy with it. And we do in a way that works best for our customers – whether it’s via a phone call, text or email.
We like to say there’s no good reason for a bad review, because we encourage our customers to let us know if they are having an issue – and we will work with them until it is fixed. We want you to love your Landport! If you need help, we are standing by. Weekends too.
Life is safer with a Landport.
The pandemic has increased the number of package deliveries to homes and WFH (work from home) offices, and sadly, as a result, has increased the number of stolen packages. We have all seen unattended shipped boxes sitting on a porch – sometimes even when people are home. Many of us have read about package theft incidents on nextdoor.com. And, with multiple deliveries happening daily during a highly contagious virus, it is a good idea to exercise discretion in respect to when, why, and for whom you open your door. Landport offers a secure drop-off point that allows for safe, contactless package delivery.
In these challenging times, Landport makes life better, and that goes for the future, too.
Learn more about how others have used Landport to protect their packages and simplify their lifestyles: https://www.thelandport.com/category/landport-lifestyle/